
Enabling reproducibility of Bioconductor package versions (for Galaxy)

Project maintained by the Galaxy project Hosted on Github Pages — Maintainer nturaga

What is aRchive?

The Bioconductor suite provides bioinformatics tools in the form of R packages, which have frequent version upgrades. However, once a Bioconductor package is upgraded, it is difficult to retrieve previous versions and that causes interoperability challenges between Galaxy and Bioconductor. The Galaxy Tool Shed enables Galaxy administrators to easily install desired versions of tools, including Bioconductor packages. However, not all Bioconductor package versions are available. To address this, we have implemented this “aRchive” - a repository of all versions of all Bioconductor packages and can be easily retrieved.

Accessing the aRchive

Packages stored in the aRchive are available at in a folder-like structure. Click below button to access the list of available packages and navigate to the desired package and package version.

Access the aRchive documents here

Problems? Comments? Want to help?

Please use Github Issues to get in touch.